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The Basque newspaper Gara explains in an article how Fagor is an important company in the transformation of the automation sector, emphasizing the contribution of the cooperatives of the Group. The cooperatives of Fagor are one of the biggest suppliers of the main manufacturers of automobiles in the world. Nowadays, are quite a lot the ones who make an important contribution to this sector and adapt to the customers’ needs, providing good solutions.

For example, Fagor Ederlan develops light components that improve the efficiency of the cars. Between those, they highlight the production of light batteries for electric vehicles; the study of new technologies to improve recycling and emissions; and the development of the technology of hydrogen. To transform all those ideas into new products, materials, or processes, Ederlan has a “singular and exclusive” technological center. This is how the newspaper Gara  explains: “We have plants of real production that are similar to the productive areas that allow the direct transfer to the new developments. Among the European companies of the sector, we are the only ones capable of doing”.

On the other hand, Fagor Electronica produces semiconductors and energy management systems (EMS) that are used for the cars control units or lighting systems. The development of the electric vehicle requires an evolution. “The technical specifications of the electric cars are not the same as the ones of the fuel, which requires a special challenge for the innovation and the development of products and systems. The cooperative works for giving an adequate answer to all those challenges”, explained Fagor Electronica.

Fagor Arrasate, however, works in the same area to provide a faster and more efficient electric transition to the companies of the automation sector. The new demands of the sector make the cooperative to develop new manufacturing technologies. In that way, the newspaper Gara affirms that this new effort has results: “For example, we turned into the main supplier of mechanical press for Volkswagen, with advanced technology, and we had produced a new press for the factory from Navarra”.


Mondragon Assembly cooperates with some cooperatives of Fagor Group. One of those is Fagor Arrasate, through the research center called Koniker. Mondragon Assembly designs and develops lines of automatic assembly for the manufacturing of car components. This is how the cooperative explains in the newspaper Gara: “In this process, we have in mind the technological innovation, which is necessary to continue offering good solutions that guarantee the quality and the traceability of the products”.

To sum up, from the permanent innovation, Fagor Group is very important in the transition of the automation sector.