Aitortza berri bat jaso du Galbaianek, oraingoan, mundu mailako IAM (Intellectual Asset Management) jabetza industrial eta intelektualaren inguruko aldizkari espezializatuaren eskutik. Hain zuzen ere, aipaturikoak, profesional gomendagarrienen zerrendak egin ohi ditu urtero, haien lanei jarraipena egin ondotik. Eta aurtengoan bada hari loturiko nobedaderik Galbaianen: gomendaturiko profesionalen 2021eko IAM Patent 1000-The World’s Leading Patent Professionals gidan ageri da Amaia Sarasola kooperatibako patente aholkularia, eta, IAM Strategy 300: The World’s Leading IP Strategists gidan -jabetza industrialeko zorroen balioa handitzeko estrategiak garatzeko eta aplikatzeko profesionalak identifikatzen dira hartan-, Idoia Apraiz patente aholkularia eta jabetza industrial eta intelektualeko kudeaketa arloko arduraduna.
Horretan geratu barik, zerrendan bada Galbaianen beste ordezkaririk. Zehatz esanda, patente adituen gidak, 2015ean gomendatu zuen Ismael Igartua zuzendaria eta jabetza industrialeko aholkulari lehen aldiz, eta, 2017az geroztik, “oso gomendatu” moduan azaldu izan da urtero. Ostera, 2016tik gaur arte, Galbaian bera ere jabetza industrial eta intelektualeko enpresa gomendatu bezala du gidak patenteen alorrean. Eta 2020ko zerrendan Eduardo Gonzalez patente aholkularia sartu zen “profesional gomendagarri” bezala. “Galbaian egiten ari den lan ona berresten dute errekonozimendu horiek guztiek eta taldea hartzen ari den indarraren erakusle dira”, azpimarratu dute kooperatibako ordezkariek.
Besteren artean, honako hau dio IAM Patent 1000-The World’s Leading Patent Professionals gidak Galbaianen, Amaia Sarasolaren, Ismael Igartuaren eta Eduardo Gonzalezen inguruan -jatorrizko hizkuntzan dago-:
“A rising star in Spanish IP”, GALBAIAN is in hot demand for its value-added strategic advice and prosecution services. Its highly qualified, responsive team takes a resolutely practical approach to each mandate, which translates into comprehensive, easily implementable counsel. “They dedicate themselves to patents with rigour and passion; their experience, know-how and approachability are just some of the reasons we continue to work with them,” reports one client. Director and telecommunications engineer Ismael Igartua is “a quick and deep thinker who can see what other attorneys cannot. He really gets to know the specifics of every case, never limits his advice and suggests the best strategies according to each circumstance. Ismael is super-bright, has that level of gravitas and really makes himself heard before the courts and patent offices”. Working alongside him are Eduardo González and Amaia Sarasola. A highly skilled patent attorney with in-depth mechanical engineering expertise, González has “great scientific and practical knowledge”. Sarasola makes her IAM Patent 1000 debut thanks to glowing client feedback: “Amaia is talented, thorough and an excellent communicator. Her attention to detail is second to none; she is also really resourceful and can assimilate sector-specific technical concepts, come up with pragmatic solutions and then present them clearly”.